ESFJ - The Consul
ESFJ direct their energy outward, toward other people and activities. They like to stick to down-to-earth things and what they know, behave considerately toward others, pursue their goals with discipline, and are emotionally balanced.
E62 % / S63 % / F68 % / P87 % / a74%
Lawful Good
Room to grow
ESFJ currently
He has plenty room to grow~ Val is definately more of the chill type.
Archtype: tba
Goal: tva
Flaw: tba
Skill: tba
Tarot: tba
Ambitious + Warm and Open-hearted + Dutiful
Conscientious = Content = Trusting
In need of appreciation - Inflexible learner - Naive
"My house is your house."
Kiwi cares exceptionally about relationships with those around him: He derives abundant positive emotions from working with, helping, and supporting others. Since he finds both general activity and interaction with others to be strong moments of happiness, he constantly seeks contact with people, is sociable, cheerful, and very friendly. He shows his feelings and thoughts clearly to those around him, and positive relationships are the be-all and end-all for him. Therefore, Kiwi has potential to have a large circle of friends and make great efforts to establish harmonious relationships and also to maintain them permanently. His talent for empathizing with the feelings of others makes him a considerate and compassionate contemporary.
In his dealings with others, Kiwi is open, patient, peace-loving, cordial, and above all helpful. It can happen, however, that his generous good nature is exploited, because he does not shy away from a lot of work or strenuous tasks. In general, the spotted tom pursues his goals persistently and tirelessly and has a good grip on himself. Disciplined behavior comes easily to him and he’s organized, neat and rarely allows himself to be distracted from his planned projects.
Kiwi rarely deals with particularly unusual, remote or complex topics. Instead, he prefers to deal with normal things of everyday life and keep both feet on the ground of reality. He’s also sometimes difficult to persuade to do something new or creative because he prefers clear solutions and build on his experience. In general, Kiwi is usually content, optimistic, and difficult to get out of a rut. He can handle stressful moments well and rarely let negative emotions get to him. Of course, he also feels bad from time to time, but this usually passes quite quickly. In most situations he is relaxed, balanced, confident and has a healthy self-confidence.
Kiwi is very rarely a risk-taker, but likes an adventurous from time to time. As a rule, he acts sensibly and according to what makes sense and promises long-term success for all involved. It is important to him to cooperate with his peers.