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Summer 105 - Summer 106

Oliver, Yggdrasil’s birth name, was born to a loner couple in Nandryx away from the tribes. It was chill and peaceful. The kitten played a lot together, had access to the wide land, and didn’t need to bother about anything. Usually, it was Oliver to explore new corners and fields first, then he guided his siblings to the newfound places. While they have been watched carefully by their mother, their father was patrolling the borders of their territory.
As for the litter itself, Oliver was the outgoing one, the one with the most energy. Lavender was quiet and selected for her young age, and very caring. While Milo was more for himself, and in the end behaving like a natural rival part to Oliver’s nature.
Shortly after, Oliver and his siblings have been old enough for hunting and fighting lessons. At first, Mara and Scar gave them lessons in a small margin but as they proved better, the parents decided they needed help from their family to prepare their offspring to survive the world.

The young red tom, now 5 months old, found an intruder inside their territory while playing around. The minimal knowledge he knew about fighting he tried to use for his advantage - and in the end, he failed miserably. The tom Oliver attacked had no problems swerving the young one's attempts to attack, giving him advice with every misstep Oliver took. In the end, another female had pinned the kitten down out of nowhere. With this, the two felines taught Oliver the first real lesson of combat.
They were nice, gaining Oli’s trust. The huge male introduced himself as Might, his father’s younger brother, and Heaven, Might’s mate. Scar told them with the help of Might he achieve educating his children better.
Soon, Scar started to mentor Milo, Lavender was mentored by Heaven and Oliver was mentored by Might (a bit comparable with the Warriors mentorship; teaching their ways of hunting and fighting). The children were taught to be careful with resources, with potential threats and especially being cautious towards strangers and predators. That there was a reason why they have been so far away from the tribes and other cat groups.

But for Oliver, after a few months of training, feeling like he was the best anyways, he started to play it easy. The promised bad things never came to happen, winter was mild and life still was peaceful.
Might was disappointed with this stance of the growing tom, arguing and fighting with him to try and change the motivation again. It was Oliver who made it worse, taking the arguments as a personal rejection. The strong and good band they forged trembled, Might decide to mentor Milo instead of Oliver. This event alone made Oliver feel like he was betrayed by Milo, stealing his perfect mentor from him. Without any good reason (because he is still a child in his head) he started to behave cocky, showing Milo and Might that Oliver himself was the best among them all - and that he disapproved of the change of mentorship
The red tabby tom had withdrawn him back to his lilac-cream colored sister, she was his focal point since then. Who needed this traitor Milo?
Milo only held deprecation and hate for his brother. The way the red one treated him was gross and unequable. Their training became more brutal and in the end, they didn’t go easy towards one another. Both have carried wounds and scars under their long fur after every training session. Father and uncle have seen this too late in the progress of time and had then to act quickly.

It was hard for Mara to hear that Milo decided he wanted to leave. For the cream Toyger tom, dividing the brothers was the only chance to avoid any other bloodshed. After an evening of discussion, without Lav and Oli, Might and Heaven promised to take care of the cream tom. They would leave with him, Milo was trained good and would help to educate the kitten of expecting Heaven. With the news of her sister-in-law, Mara gave in. Her wonderful son would be save, he would be a teacher - and maybe, develop into an awesome tom, far away from Oliver.
The remaining sibling noticed their uncle, Heaven and Milo were about to leave, without sharing any word of it before. Angered by the fact Oliver ran after them, yelling at them why they have been too craven to tell them. The anger of the red tom that found its outlet fighting his brother now formed into poisonous words. Oliver blamed Milo for everything, now that he left with his idol. Milo was stealing Might from him, the opportunity to get better. The enraged cat wanted to launch at his brother, who provoked him by walking and ignoring when Might stepped in.
Obviously angered now, the adult had spit words of aggression at Oliver he didn’t even understand. Might pierced those words into him as he laid there on the grass floor. The red tom held all fault, his inept behavior caused all this. Milo was just defending himself from the unnecessary and passive-aggressive treatment Oliver gave him.
They left and Oliver felt as bad as never before. For the first time, the young tom started to think about what he did wrong and started to blame himself for tearing his family apart. The only thing he had ever know, the only place where he could go when he felt defeated. Though, not this time… The all so energized and chatter-motivated tom was quiet and tired. Lavender comforted her fire-colored brother and only after this, he admitted that he was thankful for everything.

A few weeks passed when something changed in the winds, in the atmosphere. An eerie and unfamiliar itch settled in the pelts of the four-headed family, trying to warn them about something. In the middle of spring, trees died, flower fields withered, the water tasted spoiled and prey started to die. The end came slowly, too slowly to truly fear what happened. If they only knew…

The forest in their territory was all dead weeks later, the grassland turned into a wasteland. Death was everywhere, it did stink everywhere. The prey laid down rotten on the dry ground and eventually the woods lit in bright flames. Mara urged the family to go, go and meet the tribes. They must have held a solution, something that could prevent the family from dying.
This was the end.

Scar got heavily burned by the flames while the family fled. Through heavy hurricanes and earthquakes, they somehow managed to keep Scar alive and move forward. Oliver during this fell sick. The plague that destroyed the world had got him, maybe to punish him for what he did to Milo. And while his legs and muscles getting weaker, his confusion grew and finally, Oli lost every memory from this point on.

After this, Oliver remembered waking up next to Mara, in unknown terrain. Confusion still hazed his mind when Oliver noticed that he was all alone with Mara. She looked horrible, he looked horrible. Both mostly bone and pelt, Mara looked so tired… It took some time for Oliver to understand what happened, his mother hesitated to tell the story.

When he passed out, Scar was infected as heavy as Oliver. Mara and Lavender must have gotten some sort of milder version of the plague, somehow holding the family together. While Oliver slept most of the time and not being addressable when awake, Scar partially freaked out. His burns forced the family to stay away from the tribes who must have found a solution. They formed a portal into a new land, promising for those who wanted to survive - at least that was what strangers told them.
One day the big scared tom disappeared when they planned to join the tribes in the new world. Lavender left to find him, bring him back safely.
Mother said, she couldn’t leave her son who was about to die, and accepted her daughter’s decision. She was strong, she would succeed. But as time passed, her hopes died more and more. She promised the sleeping tom to save him. She would bring him through The Door.

Shocked by the story, unable to remember anything from their escape, Oliver was left speechless. What were they supposed to do now? He couldn’t leave his mother, no. He was the only one left by now of their family. Other refugees informed them they had to leave the neutral land. They needed to go as far away from the tribes as possible if they didn't intend to join them. Forced to, mother and son left. Walking past the tribe borders over the mountain chains, and further and further. Eventually, they made a huge willow-like tree their home. All sorts of weird creatures lived here and there, for the relief of the two they were mostly friendly. The new land held all sorts of prey and plenty of it. For once, Oliver had to take responsibility. Hunting on his own the tom had to learn that he wasn’t as good as he always praised himself to be.

Time gave Oliver the option to really learn how to fight, how to hunt, how to survive. Fighting off intruders from their territory, playing tricks on some of the weird creatures to his advantage. Mara fell into sadness, her hopes of seeing her mate, daughter, and son again, faded with the weeks. Of course, Oliver missed them badly as well. But for Lavender and Milo, they couldn’t be dead. The male refused to believe this, and he always told his mom.
During one of their dinners, Mara asked Oliver for a favor and he agreed. Her beloved son didn’t live the life she wanted him to have, she didn’t want him to get old and die on her side. Everything she ever dreamt of was her kitten to be free and happy. Oliver should have the possibility to find love, a purpose to fight for - a family to start one day. He wasn’t supposed to rot on her side.
Oliver was bewildered by those words, he couldn’t leave her. The mother demanded him to go, she was fine there on her own. Declaring she needed time to heal, to get used to not have her mate around, her little kitten. It was a process of sorrow Mara didn’t want to burden Oliver with. When the time came, she would join him, his new life. His mother would join the tribes and start from the beginning. But for this, she needed to accept the ending of the past first.

The next morning, Oliver left saying goodbye. The last advice Mara gave her same colored son was to listen to his heart. He would know which tribe to join when he has to make the choice.

On the days of travel Oliver couldn't think of anything else but worrying about his mother, at times he was going back the route, then decided to walk the path again. He didn't feel a connection except for the one with nature itself until… He was wandering the way back from where Mara and he came at first, his paws have carried him into a warm land, the heat was welcoming Oliver from the cold autumn morning.
In the middle of dark stones, floating magma, Oliver found himself in from of a giant totem. Its shaped, its eyes… had forces his paws to go all along with this volcano, its power drew him right through his fear. And as soon as the young tom noticed that his heart raced at an unknown speed, whispers reached his mind. A word… No, a name?


A fiery sting burned his right iris and all of a sudden he felt power. With a confident and life-fueling smile, he knew that now his name was Yggdrasil, a cat fighting for the fire of love and the power of the flame. Yggdrasil had found his new home, he was staring right into the Camp of Fire Tribe.

Autumn 106

• Welcomed by Raven and Jade
• Meeting Aurelius
• Meeting Kec
• Meeting Momo, several times
• Gets a mentor pretty late, meets Bhald
• Meeting Kulta later the season


Winter 106

• Gratulation
• Gathering (unRPed)
• Got an apprentice, Imogen!
• Reunion with his sister
• Making friends with Raven
• Meeting Amon, getting a fire flower
Confessing Momo his feelings for him, but got rejected
• Meeting Yukine while self pitying

Raven got mia
• Myrun got MiA, leaves the tribes to find and bring her back. Imogen

follows him into the night
• mood

Spring 107 - Late Summer 107 (Long Hiatus)

• Tracing off Myrs tracks, finds her months later far away from tribe territory and has a talk about her anxiety
• Gets her bracelets, says goodbye and promises to get her back to his side
• Starts his journey back to the tribes with growing Imogen, returns in a messed condition, got greeted by Amon!


Autumn 107

• Wanted to participate in the gathering, came too late. He joined during the chaos, returns back to camp with the others, and offers to lead lost one or exiles from other tribes to FT camp
• Meets altair! Oh boy, what a chaos
• Yukine and him finally meet again, spending a lot of time with each other. Suddenly, yggy confessed his feelings for her. She returned the feelings and both became mates.

• Fighting in the Underground dungeon to save Naga > successfully (meeting Pearl, Seven, Nyx, Zhi-Shi, Noemi)
• Returning Naga's heart to the spirits untouched by Sin's plague, Ifirt, Nirvana, Aeolan
• Battle against Cascada to free the spirit from Absinthe's claws > success
• Final battle against Demogorgoan and Sin. The fight was harsh, several cats lost their lives. Yggdrasil alongside the others was granted with the spirit's ultimate power, the Primodal Form. Transformed into a dragon like cat, Yggdrasil launched himself at Demo, he got sliced on throat and neck down the belly.
• Sin was defeated, and forced under the law of spirits. He now was a Half-Spirit.
• After the fight Yggy thought the injury could be healed by himself. Yukine and Malic forced him to Light Tribe, where he stood the rest of the seasons.

Winter 107

• Healing in Light Tribe, Yggdrasil met White/Pink Water Rhythm (Seasonal Quest 'Winter Wonderland')

• The next gathering started, Yggy and Yuki watched performances like singing and dancing from various cats of the tribes. As a symbol of hope and to celebrate the defeat of Sin. They planted a seed at Highreach to nurse the burned environment. The couple was racing themselves back to Fire Tribe Camp. (Seasonal Quest 'Nursing the Land')

• At camp, firewood was getting low. The tabby decided to take Malic with him to the forest to get logs ready. Unfortunately, his friend rested on the heavy goods while Yggy was dragging it (Winter Gathering Quest 1)
















• One day, Malic brought a stranger into Fire Tribe - MALIC. Positively surprised he welcomed Rus and finally could talk to Tarik as well. Thanks to Malic and Imogen, they helped them orient at their new home.

• Unfortunate events happen all the time, but yet they always were so far away. But this time, right before his eyes, a tribe mate was eaten by a Geoworm. A creature that had been spotted across the Neutral Lands. Investigating, Yggy defeated the worm with his tribe mates, just to fall into its breaking tunnel system.


Spring 108

• It had been hours since Yukine was rushed to Light tribe in severe pain, Yggdrasil paced back and forth waiting for news of his girlfriend. The agony of waiting so long for the news of what was wrong with her. Everything was so sudden, she was completely fine just a few days ago. Even getting better.

When the healer walked out of the hole that Yukine was in, without giving them much of a chance to explain, Yggdrasil went in to see what was wrong with his mate. He paused and his eyes grew wide with shock.

Laying in front of him was a weak Yukine and four little kittens. He just stood in shock staring down at the little kittens with amazement. Yukine, however, did not give them the same look. Her gaze was distant and unwelcoming. It was clear, she didn't want them.

Yggdrasil moved in close to touch his nose to her head but she pulled away. Standing to her weak paws, she shot one last gaze to the kittens before walking out of the den. Thus leaving Yggdrasil with the kits to himself.

Confused, he glanced down at the kittens and pulled them in close. He ran his tongue over the small red tabby with the fluffy tail. "Summer" He purred as they reached up her paw to stretch. Moving on to the next kitten, he nudged the dark pelt of his daughter and pulled her close. "Can't have a Summer without a Winter." He chuckled, watching the kitten let out a yawn.

Moving on to the next kitten, he purred at the tiny brown and cream calico with large ears, leaning down to give the kitten a small swipe of his tongue, he purred out a name he thought suited her well. "Autumn, I think that suits you well." Then turning his head, he glanced down at the last tiny kitten. With a purr, he pressed his nose to his calico head and whispered out a name. "Spring." With his kits now having names, He wrapped his tail around them and laid his head down. Now to just wait for his girlfriend's return.

(^written by bottle-rocket <3)

The loads of emotions granted him the unlock of Primordial Form.


• Yggy took Winter out to teach her some knowledge about

herbs. (Seasonal Plot Spring Gathering) Malic caught up

and totally stole the show. "Thanks, Mal, now I am a

lame dad and you got all of her attention.", he sighed.

Yggy takes out Spring to the territory, but Winter sneaked

after them.

Yukine disappeared without a word...


Summer 108

• The past three months went by like nothing... A delayed

gathering didn't make it better for the nervous father. Fearing

the worst that non of his kittens would stay at his side.
Finally, the Blue Fire came to talk with Ryan, a cleric from Light Tribe.

He also gathered enough courage to talk to Momo again. [cont.]

• A few hours later the ceremony of receiving tattoos was open to the kits. Spring and Autumn were the first to try out the Earth Tribe totem since the Fire one was occupied. Soon, all kittens were granted with Ifrit's blessing. Except for Summer. Defeated she tried every totem since the Fire Tribe one rejected her. Kronos stone blessed his precious daughter and Yggy picked her up.

• Yggy needed a minute for himself, the kits would stay over with Birch and Imo. Meeting
Sen at the beginning of the hot season Yggy saved her from being cooked by the Geyser Fields. It turned out that she was lost in thought and didn't notice she got lost in dangerous terrain. Being faster with his primordial form the red tabby shot forward to get the Blue Earth out of danger. It appeared that the fawn chimera was yet too scared to get near the volcano to see a healer. So, Senna invited Yggy over to have a little talk with her. Resting beneath a tree interesting cases were revealed to each other.

• Beach Partaaay [cont.]

• Meeting Moth [cont.]

• Wyvern Fight


• making good friends with Sen



Autumn 108


• For the beginning of the season, Yggdrasil got stationed in Light Tribe. To his dismay, he now was gone from his kits and tribe ever since he joined the tribes. He was seeing them here and then, making a daily visit to see how they were doing.

He also used the time to see his newly made best friend Senna, spending a lot of fun and comforting time with the molly. The feeling that they were connected and their spirits harmonized with each other didn't leave Yggy ever since. Grateful for her company and support he always got back to the conclusion she might be his soul mate. But too anxious to actually share those thoughts he always kept them to himself.


When Sen got lost in another dimension (ET event) Yggy was terribly helpless and panicking. When he heard they were back Yggy excused his duties in Light Tribe to see if his daughter Autumn and his friends Senna were alright. On a whim, he took her to Neutral Lands to train. She was in danger and only passed four skills. Yggy would not leave it there. So, he started training with the molly, making sure she learns new skills fast.


The hours went by and a flock of butterflies flew over the pair. The beautiful sight made him tell her non of this would have happened if they were soul mates. She would be able to use his skills and Yggy would always know how she felt. Surprisingly, she agreed.





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